8 Signs To Tell If Your Chicken Is Healthy.
COMB - This is a vital way to tell if your chicken is healthy and strong. Mature hens combs should be red and vibrant. Click here to read a blog article on what could be wrong with your chicken if their comb has changed.
EYES - Eyes should be clear, shiny and alert. Chickens actually have three eyelids but you shouldn’t see any. There should be no discharge or swelling around the eyes.
NOSTRILS - There should be no discharge from the nostrils and they should be clear.
WINGS - Chickens should never look hunched. This is a sign that your chicken is poorly and needs attention. Feathers should be shiny except during moult.
HIGH ENERGY - Chickens are alert creatures. Any signs of low heads, stooping, slow movements are all warning signs something is wrong.
EGG PRODUCTION - A healthy hen produces eggs with hard shells and deep coloured yolks. Pale yolks may indicate that the birds aren't getting the right diet.
LEGS - Legs should be clean. White scaly eggs is a tell tale sign of mites and should be treated for Scaly Leg. Check for no redness or sores.
MOUTH - A chicken's mouth should be shut. In extremely hot weather chickens may open their mouths. Make sure they have shelter and plenty of water. When they cool down their mouths should shut.