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Preventing a stoat, weasel, fox attack in your chicken coup.

Updated: Jun 14, 2019

So today I opening up the door to my young chicks coop to find carnage. 8 dead bodies dragged all over the floor. I was horrified and felt guilty about not putting up the correct preventative measures to stop this happening. I searched every inch of the coup and couldn't work out how the creature had actually made it into the chicks secure enclosure. Then I found it. A tiny hole maybe 4cm big, but big enough for a stoat or weasel to push and force their way inside. They may seem cute little animals but in fact they are killing machines, especially in a chicken coop.

I'll be honest you can take all the measures in the world but sometimes they still find a way in. A tiny hole you haven't seen at the back of the coup. That one night you went out and didn't lock the hens up until after dark and a fox fatally attacked. I have known foxes take my hens and ducks in broad daylight if they are hungry. The truth is sometimes there is nothing you can do. However, that won't stop us trying. Here are some tips to try and prevent those fox, stoat, weasel attacks on our feathery friends.

1: No matter how small you think the hole is, fix it. Stoats and weasels can actually fit through a hole an inch big. it seems impossible but it's not. They are also extremely good climbers. So don't put off, fix any holes as soon as you can. They are also very strong so unless it's a massive stone don't cover holes in the floor with bricks, they can actually move them as well. Make your coup as secure as you possibly can.

2: Keep your chickens and their run as clean as you can. Rats also are predators, especially to young chicks. Easier said than done I know from experience!

3: Lock up your livestock at dusk and not when it's dark. Predators tend to come out when it's dark so don't leave it until you can't see before you think about locking your chucks up. Hens tend to go to bed early.... ducks on the other hand do not! You may need to round them up!

4: Try and have your chicken coop off the ground. Many times animals can bury in from beneath and by the time you've noticed it it's too late.

5: Set a humane trap. Chances are if you have already had an attack they will return the following night. Hopefully you will have found the entry point but a trap could be the answer. Do your research to find the right humane trap.

Any fox, stoat or weasel attack is awful but hopefully most can be prevented if your coop is secured and you are locking your chickens and ducks away long before dark.

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